downloadbrowsewaganono's Waga Invader

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It's a crypto crack me. In fact, it's a game, you have to find a serial (or more) to unlock secret level!

You need OpenGL.

==> Readme.txt for more informations

Difficulty: 5 - Professional problem to solve
Platform: Windows
Language: C/C++

Published: 15. Aug, 2007
Downloads: 783


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Solution by Ox87k, published 27. aug, 2007; download (193 kb), password: or browse.

Ox87k has rated this crackme as awesome.

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Discussion and comments

15. Aug 2007
I found the routine, i think..
and does "GA******" have anything to do with it?
15. Aug 2007
There seems to be something wrong with the full screen mode. For me anyway...
15. Aug 2007
@Haykuro That's the good way....
@KernelJ I'am bad OpenGL coder, crackme displays in 800*600 windowed, F5 enters full screen mode but does not work perfectly, sorry...
15. Aug 2007
Seems to be RSA... but i don't think so, since E isn't relatively prime to (p-1)(q-1)... so i can't calc D using default E... any ideas?
16. Aug 2007
"In fact, it's a game, you have to find a serial"

i.e. the method for checking the serial isn't important in a lot of ways. You just have to find a serial that works, which could be done by hand I'm sure. And obviously there will be at least one serial available... (I'm guessing 'or more' means that the author doesn't know whether or not there are more :P) Bruteforcing may also be a possibility here, but I'd have to look into whether that is necessary...

@waganono maybe after I learn OpenGL I might be able to spot where the problem lies, but not before. If anyone is reading this knows OpenGL then please look into this one!
16. Aug 2007
"method for checking the serial isn't important in a lot of ways"
You doesn't have understood anything, you can bruteforce (or patch), it works, yet but it's not interesting.
"(I'm guessing 'or more' means that the author doesn't know whether or not there are more :P)"
I have a working keygen for this one without any bruteforce.
22. Aug 2007
I can't believe you can make a valid keygen.....even you are the author.....
22. Aug 2007
lol! I solved it but i'm writing the solution yet.
27. Aug 2007
Your tutorial is excellent! Good job!
Everything is explained, nothing more to say.
Thanx a lot
04. Apr 2008
Ox87k: what initially clued you that it used MIRACL? The sig file you use from the French site, would it work if MIRACL were compiled with a different compiler, or with different optimization options?

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