downloadbrowseluxdav's LuxXx' second keygenme

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pretty easy keygenme. Written for learning purposes. Compiled with tinycc. Have Fun. Do what you want with it!

You can do these:
BRONZE: Patch it!
SILVER: Fish your key!
GOLD: Write a keygen!

My solution, source code and other keygenmes and solutions are open to everyone at

Greets LuxXx

Difficulty: 1 - Very easy, for newbies
Platform: Windows
Language: C/C++

Published: 20. Oct, 2016
Downloads: 435


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Discussion and comments

05. Nov, 14:02
A bit confused with the first key block.
key[] = {0x13, 0x37, 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xC0, 0xDE} when the value bacome negative
In the end i've managed to write keygen. Pretty challanging for my first keygenme.
06. Nov, 01:09
Yeah, same, that IDIV got me. First KeyGenMe too ^^
Anyway, still wondering if the 0xBEEF was a joke :D
07. Nov, 12:23
My first keygen in Visual Studio with asm-inline code:

02. Dec, 06:29
I figured out a solution I think.. This is my first try so I uploaded it. I doubt my solution is all that great. Thanks for the fun challenge!

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