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Very simple crackme for beginners..........
Find the serial, thats all u have to do..........

Difficulty: 1 - Very easy, for newbies
Platform: Windows
Language: C/C++

Published: 18. Jun, 2006
Downloads: 1586


Votes: 10
Crackme is quite nice.

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Solution by MiniMinou, published 27. jun, 2006; download (7 kb), password: or browse.

MiniMinou has rated this crackme as awesome.

Solution by c_07, published 22. jun, 2006; download (3 kb), password: or browse.

c_07 has rated this crackme as awesome.

Solution by Ank83, published 22. jun, 2006; download (8 kb), password: or browse.

Ank83 has rated this crackme as awesome.

Solution by znycuk, published 22. jun, 2006; download (4 kb), password: or browse.

znycuk has rated this crackme as quite nice.

The submission of solutions is closed.

Discussion and comments

18. Jun 2006
easy one, but serial calculation is cool...
maybe i will write a solution
18. Jun 2006
I'm having some problems with this crackme. The code is clear and simple, but I think that this one has not have valid serial. Am I right or I got lost in the code.
Did some one try it. Where did I went wrong ? Need some help.
Thanks and Best Regards
18. Jun 2006
it have a good serial, at least one.
i've submitted a solution this am. ;)
18. Jun 2006
It took me forever to figure out the correct serial. I knew exactly what the serial verification algorithm was doing, but after a couple hours of trying to come up with one that fit the criteria -- including writing a bruteforce keygen in C++ -- I got pretty frustrated :).

However, there is a correct serial (I think there is only one), that can be found by keeping in mind that the 10 digits of the correct serial MUST add up to 10 (I can't really explain the reason for this w/o a tutorial). If I would have known that in the first place it would have saved me a headache. :) Oh well.

Great work unicorn!
19. Jun 2006
I will look at it once more and am giving up - I will wait for solution. I know that the serial must be of 10 digits, and there is some procedures that countes how many number are repeating and stuff but I can't fully understand the critierium.
I was so long hook on VB targets that I forgot how to use my barin. :)
Best Regards
19. Jun 2006
unicorn but there is only one serial?
I found only 1.
19. Jun 2006
found one!

great work
20. Jun 2006
Yeah there is only one serial .Thank u all for trying this crackme.
27. Jun 2006
damn i cracked it... but it took me for about 2 hours...
27. Jun 2006
Good one to start with if you are a newbie, the code is quite clear, must use your brain a bit to find the serial but there is nothing to complicated !
26. Jul 2006
I put nop´s in two lines to solve the level...newbie++...hehe
31. Jul 2006
Patching is LAME.... U can find the serial if u have a working brain :)
13. Nov 2006
o.O I edit "PUSH 0B" to "PUSH 00" an invert the 3 jumps from "jne to je" and "je to jne" and now its woks with any serial. As example: 1 :P ;)

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