downloadbrowseTiGa's KeygenMe #2

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Make a keygen

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Don't worry, it works. I made a Keygen for it myself.

Difficulty: 3 - Getting harder
Platform: Windows
Language: C/C++

Published: 01. Jul, 2007
Downloads: 856


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Solution by XzzX, published 19. jul, 2007; download (303 kb), password: or browse.

XzzX has not rated this crackme yet.

Solution by Crosys, published 19. jul, 2007; download (111 kb), password: or browse.

Crosys has not rated this crackme yet.

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Discussion and comments

07. Jul 2007
Tiga, is there an Olly-check in this crackme? I can't find any, but it doesn't seem possible to find a serial for my name. An Olly-check sending us off on a wild goose chase could explain that.
07. Jul 2007
No there aren't any anti-dbg checks.
At least I didn't find one and I've solved it.
07. Jul 2007
Hmmm. I don't know what I'm doing wrong - it looks simple enough, but those bytes that should be equal...I just can't make them the same value :(
Perhaps you are writing a tutorial, XzzX ?
07. Jul 2007
If I didn't write this KeygenMe, I would be the first to say:

All 4 calculated dwords have to be the same and equal to to the random code every time? That sounds like really bad programming from the author!
Either there is a trick or it is impossible. Or maybe both?
09. Jul 2007
@Zaphod: Yes i uploaded a tutorial. I don't know when it will be approved.
09. Jul 2007
Great, XzzX! Hope it's approved soon...

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