downloadbrowseShism's Shism's KeyGenMe 0.1

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Just make a keygen... If you can :)

Difficulty: 1 - Very easy, for newbies
Platform: Windows
Language: (Visual) Basic

Published: 20. Nov, 2005
Downloads: 1071


Votes: 3
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Solution by deroko, published 07. dec, 2005; download (11 kb), password: or browse.

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Discussion and comments

05. Dec 2005
I've been working on this crackme and I have some questions. Havent been doin this very long, they might sound stupid :) Anyways:
It seems that the prog generates a different correct serial for the same name each time it is run. How then can you make a keygen without patching? Or is patching the only way? Or am I missing something? Or is this a bug?
What was the rating before it was changed to 1?
06. Dec 2005
This is a keygenme and patching is only allowed to make a self-keygen...... Meaning making the program spit out the correct serials itself. Im sorry if the algorithim ( I rock) is uncrackable or is it????
06. Dec 2005
Admins you can increase the difficulty as high as you deem necessary... Because I am using a "uncrackable" algorithim ; ).

And Don't start bashing me people
06. Dec 2005
There should be a difficulty rating of 10 for this crackme!

P.S : Joke :(

I know it was lame...
06. Dec 2005
Shism, I still stand by the fact that using random number, however uncrackable, is not realistic for a protection scheme, which is what crackmes are supposed to represent.. even if the app is self-keygenned it can never produce a valid serial..

If a protection scheme is to work, then the author of the program should be able to generate and distribute working serials for their application, here this is not possible.

I know you said you would accept my self-keygen but I havent got around to finishing it yet as I had problems trying to display floating point number in a message box and havent had time to look again since..

The problem is even with all the effort to keygen the app a keygen is still worthless, its like asking 'what number am I thinking of?' ... '5?' no I was thinking of '123'.. 'what number am I thinking of now?'
06. Dec 2005
No one said it would be impossible to use this in a real life protection scheme.... There are possible ways to do it...
06. Dec 2005
I haven't looked at this, but well in TheHyper's sixth crackme there was also used random numbers. Just the seed was not random. Duno, but maybe here's the same. Just a guess...

06. Dec 2005
yup you can fish key at fcomp qword ptr[ebp-34] but it will change all the time. solution is only to patch, I don't see any other option, even coding loader to get key won't help...
06. Dec 2005
Yes only way to crack this is a patch....I was trying to see if this was keygennable and it isn't... So you can take off 1 and 2 crackmes of mine..If everyone think's its impossible to crack this without a patch.
07. Dec 2005
The purpose was to see if anyone could crack the random number generator.... Plus This is a keygenme ..... not a patchme
08. Dec 2005
sure, keygenme that cannot be keygenned
08. Dec 2005
That is correct :)

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