downloadbrowsesd333221's [C++] [A]dvanced Keygenme

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[A]dvanced Keygenme by sd333221
^ Date of Release: 2-24-2007 ^
Greetings go to all the Members
and all i know :P

I hope you enjoy this Keygenme;

-No Patching
-Get a valid serial (Level 2/10)
-Make a keygen (Level 3.5/10)

I hope this keygenme has some nasty tricks 4 you ;-)

On every start of the program, the UserId i recalculated based
on the time and your hardware!

Difficulty: 3 - Getting harder
Platform: Windows
Language: C/C++

Published: 27. Feb, 2007
Downloads: 601


Votes: 3
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Solution by cooller_ho, published 06. mar, 2007; download (97 kb), password: or browse.

cooller_ho has rated this crackme as quite nice.

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Discussion and comments

27. Feb 2007
Easy... only trick i can see is obfuscation of Base64 table ;)
27. Feb 2007
then you were not very attentive ;-)
27. Feb 2007
I think this one uses SMC, because a valid serial while being debugged is invalid otherwise, or a time of being opened is used in calculation, so that a serial that is valid at one-time is invalid at other-time(if this is the case, then it'll be foolish to external-keygen it).
27. Feb 2007
The first thing is right, the secound thing (the random value calculated at start) is just to randomize the CPU-ID given... Furthermore it's included in the output of the cpu id, you can external-keygen it without any problems (expect this debugger stuff with SMC :D)
08. Mar 2007
Nice solution @ cooller_ho, =)

It's a debug check which detects your olly (SLT) <- Riddle ^^

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