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ReWrit's Crackme #8

Kinda easy crackme...
you just have to patch it so it shows
the correct password in the (gray)textbox
and remove the nag... so the goals are:

+ Remove the nag.
+ Patch it so it shows the correct password.

good luck :)

Difficulty: 2 - Needs a little brain (or luck)
Platform: Windows
Language: .NET

Published: 05. Jan, 2009
Downloads: 425


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Solution by indomit, published 12. mar, 2009; download (42 kb), password: or browse.

indomit has rated this crackme as quite nice.

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Discussion and comments

06. Jan 2009
If you generate the number in the same proc as you do the check, there is not much room for any other code like printing the password. Is this intended?
07. Jan 2009
I successful removed the nag and the password is displayed in the textbox on the bottom but I removed the New Form2().Show line.
I don't know why but reflector gives me some problem with it...
12. Mar 2009
We know the password only when the user clicks the button. We can't pre-specify a password, because we didn't know when the user clicks the button. As password generated from system time. Only thing we can do is to store system time at first pre-generation and restore it before new generation. But I do not know this is possible to catch/leave the time in right moment.
12. Mar 2009
Ha-ha. Else we can wait about 50days, after user click when TickCount will be the same again :) :lol:
So only way I see is to repalce(patch?) Random() to Random(saved_tickcount). Is this allowed? =)
12. Mar 2009
yep, as long as it show the correct password as your solution does its ok =)

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