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ReWrit's Crackme #11
This is my first crackme/keygenme
that has "One-name-many-serials",
my other crackmes only have one
serial for each name so give this
bastard a try =)

Special thx to Numernia for helping
me with this crackme.

Rules / Goals:
* Gold: Keygen and solution + Bronze
* Solver: Try it and rate it
* Bronze: -

* No Self-keygen, i want a real

Difficulty: 2 - Needs a little brain (or luck)
Platform: Windows
Language: C/C++

Published: 19. Feb, 2009
Downloads: 578


Waiting for at least 3 votes
(we have only 2).

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Solution by ForFun, published 27. feb, 2009; download (13 kb), password: or browse.

ForFun has rated this crackme as quite nice.

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Discussion and comments

21. Feb 2009
nice exercise for patching, was quite easy but i'm too lazy for writing a keygen :P i wouldnt rate it as very easy, but as "Needs a little brain" because of the "anti debugger protection" lol
26. Feb 2009
I disagree.... I dont think MD5 hashing and modulus aritmetics are newbie stuff ! Just my 5 cents ;)
27. Feb 2009
yeah, depends on how u wanna solve it.. its easy to patch but much harder to keygen
28. Feb 2009
Nice keygenning tute mate!
I would have thought d3

28. Feb 2009
182 download and only one rating? come on guys.. its allways fun to see your crackme get rated =) =P
28. Feb 2009
damn guys, i am new here, so im trying to download the crackmes to learn, but most of the times i miss some points, like: what is it to place a RETN, like ForFun said, what is it to run after placing this RETN and why the of the target still existing is important?

thx in advance
28. Feb 2009
@JukJuk: I'm not sure what you mean ? I guess you refer to the anti-debugging trick !? I mean you have to replace the code at 401390 and 401424 with the command RETN. Or as the tut also state: use Olly Advance or similiar plug-in :)

@ReWrit: Maybe I'm the only one who solved it 8P !?
28. Feb 2009
@ReWrit Nice keygenme btw! The problem might have been it's published low difficulty rating, must admit I didn't look at it for that reason!

@ForFun Sorry a typo, I meant to agree with you difficulty 3-4. btw small question. In your asm source, Why didn't you use GetModulaHandle ? and ExitProcess, eax Not complaining, just wondered?

@Mods Why doesn't the rating reflect what you select in the rating box? ForFun gives a rating of quite nice. but its not there in the select box?

28. Feb 2009
@ReWrit, It's not much point giving several solutions if a good one is already posted, unless someone uses an interestingly different way to solve it!

28. Feb 2009
@MACH4: I used template in RADasm to create the window creation, but the argument used by ExitProcess is simply an exitcode. You dont need to use handle of module. You can use any value you want !
28. Feb 2009
changed it to lvl 2 now coz some said it was too hard for lvl 1

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