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ReWrit's Crackme #4
This is my first C# crackme. its extremly simple
so everyone should be able to crack it.

Serial should only be numbers, otherwise you might
get an error.


For Gold: Remove the NAG and Create a keygen.
For Silver: Remove the NAG and Create a self-keygen.
For Bronze: Remove the NAG and Just give me a
Username and a Serial.

Difficulty: 1 - Very easy, for newbies
Platform: Windows
Language: .NET

Published: 06. Oct, 2008
Downloads: 970


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Solution by JoKa, published 08. oct, 2008; download (31 kb), password: or browse.

JoKa has not rated this crackme yet.

Solution by main, published 08. oct, 2008; download (7 kb), password: or browse.

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Discussion and comments

06. Oct 2008
The Serial cant be more then 10 digits
08. Oct 2008
NET assembly is the case when to make keygen simpler than self-keygen
I think you must give Gold for self-keygen (without recompiling)
09. Oct 2008
CAN you even self-keygen a .NET app? :\
09. Oct 2008
Sinok, it's very easy with Reflector+Reflexil
09. Oct 2008
@someone... how can i disasambly it in Reflector?? (got the reflexil plugin.....)

I will try to look at the code tomorrow in ollydbg (i'm in austria)
10. Oct 2008
I think, Reflexil does recompiling of code
10. Oct 2008
Killalord1: To find the right code in OllyDbg(1.10) do this:
Load app in Olly (it will start automatically unless you change some options).
After NAG displayed press Pause in Olly.
Then go away (Run till return + Step over) until EIP will be in main thread (when program will not stop press OK in NAG MessageBox). There you can see made by interpreter machine code. After some tracing you can see other parts of code (including key generation code). But it is not convenient way of exploring the code.
13. Oct 2008
@joka ok thx... i will see if i can find it..

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