downloadbrowsekonstAnt's HellrAiser System Utils v 2

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Hey people you'll love this if you love nags otherwise not.

Difficulty: 5 - Professional problem to solve
Platform: Windows
Language: Unspecified/other

Published: 19. Aug, 2005
Downloads: 1153


Votes: 7
Crackme is boring.

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Solution by Oorja-HalT, published 27. aug, 2005; download (48 kb), password: or browse.

Oorja-HalT has not rated this crackme yet.

Solution by deroko, published 27. aug, 2005; download (100 kb), password: or browse.

deroko has rated this crackme as nothing special.

Solution by bRaiN_faKKer, published 27. aug, 2005; download (38 kb), password: or browse.

bRaiN_faKKer has rated this crackme as boring crap.

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Discussion and comments

20. Aug 2005
Hey guyz, There's something wrong with

My crackme was accepted yesterday and it wasn't shown in the list. Still it was accepted.
20. Aug 2005
Hey yo konstAnt...
you are on the top coders list....... I don't know how but still... welocme to hall of fame.................
20. Aug 2005
Solution submitted
23. Aug 2005
Solution Rejected...
23. Aug 2005
?? Hehe..........

And yo Oorja...... Haven't you succeeded in any of mine??
24. Aug 2005
no i didnt submit it because i dont wanted konstant to complain again.BTW i can mail it to u
24. Aug 2005
Yah then why not mail me. And I'm sure you haven't done more than dumping it. Ha.... Ha...
Oorja su?*%
24. Aug 2005
Who are you neway and why should i send it to you. And please it doesnt effect me what you think. Result is with khattam and he is the right person as of now to make a comment
24. Aug 2005
Hey yo Oorja....

Looked at your dump......

Actually, konstAnt should have made a comment o your dump, had you sent it to him............. But I checked the dump doesn't seem to be fixed........... and hence doesn't run..............

I'm poor at that........

And BTW, who's this Gauri SHIT?? f@#$ off .......
24. Aug 2005
This is the limit.
I have a fully working dumping with no nags in win98se anbd i dont think there is anything version specific that should effect.
What else does one need . And if you need anything special you should cleearlt mentioned.
BTW i have decided to submit the solution and let other memebers decide on you guys tantrums.
I haev had enough
24. Aug 2005
Oh Oorja..........

If you make one work successfully in WIN 98 only, it may not be approved, coz the server ppl (at least blackeye) have XP SP1, and non of your dumps work in that.......

So....... Think about it.......
25. Aug 2005
Ha.. Ha Oorja. I'm in Russia but being the member of _khAtArA_ group. He said that you have only dumped it and the comedy of all it didn't work. And _khAttAm_ said me to tell you 'machkiney". I don't know what it means.
25. Aug 2005
yah cracked, no NAGs, works on winxp SP2, havent tested on SP1 but I don't see why It wouldn't work...

I'll submitt my solution, and this p-code is really anoying, but what the heck...
25. Aug 2005
submitted solution...
27. Aug 2005
sollution updated, p-code patched and also asm patch is submitted...
28. Aug 2005
Well mods have viewed the solution. Now I'll view it and give comments. Now try my next versions.
29. Aug 2005
Ok OoRja your tutorial was a focks. Other were nice.

But from next time, ............

Would you bother writing a tutorial for newbies.
29. Aug 2005
Oh come on........konstAnt........

Te tut was good........... And LOL, it even explained the theory of all of your crackmes (and some of mine too, hehe)
01. Sep 2005
Now try v4 and v5
01. Sep 2005
Who the hell is this Gauri again?? come konstAnt, shut him/her up...
17. Oct 2005
Yah that was a fantastic one...

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