downloadbrowsekonstAnt's HellrAiser System Util v5(Keyfile me)

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konstAnt back again. This is a keyfile me.

Just a simple one. Only rate it 8/10

Well happy cracking.

Rulz in the readme.

Difficulty: 3 - Getting harder
Platform: Windows
Language: (Visual) Basic

Published: 25. Aug, 2005
Downloads: 894


Votes: 6
Crackme is boring.

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Discussion and comments

25. Aug 2005
What is that 33 when I click the About button?? And you have forgotten to add any description in the about box, I suppose.............

Anyways, good crackme.....
26. Aug 2005
He..he... That's my style.
14. Sep 2005
He..he no one could keyfile it. If u can't crack it ask for the source and I'll give it to you personally.
14. Sep 2005
Even though no one cracked it... Why don't you asked the more experienced crackers to do it... Instead of waiting for them to do it... Why not ask zairon to try your crackme?
15. Oct 2005
one question...
you are using __vbaLenVar to get length of text and compare it with 50h (80d) but latter on you are looking for 81st and 82nd char in two places by setting counter to 1 and incrmeneting it by 2 till 50h, at last loop counter is 49h you increment it by 2 and you check for (counter+2) = 81st char which doesn't exist... Shall I patch counter? I don't see any other posibillity...
15. Oct 2005
No no u can't patch..... You r supposed to find a valid serial and try the crackme according to the rulz... And the counter trick is a part of difficulty of the crackme...
15. Oct 2005
ok, I'll try to figure that out later =) got all 9 passes but that counter is really strange =)
19. Oct 2005
heh I think that counter is a bug not a feature, simple:
if we cann't put more than 50 chars, how is it supposed to read 51st and 52nd (it will and get 0 for both) and it will cause crash handled by SEH when 0 is passed to some vb fpu procedure...
I cann't solve it without patching 2 loops from 50 to 49...
21. Oct 2005
Well I gave u the source and next time I'll send u the whole source...
21. Oct 2005
Keyfile not working man.....
21. Oct 2005
ofcourse it is not working and I'm sending to you why it won't work and you will see that you are scanning for 81st char... as I promised output from sice is coming =)

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