downloadbrowsekonstAnt's HellrAiser System Util v4(Find my Secret)

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Hey focks,

If you don't find the secret box then click the slider. It is where it appears.

If my last crackme was boring then this won't bore you.

Just find my secret and write a valid tutorial.

There is only 1 working serial.

Difficulty: 8 - *VERY VERY* hard
Platform: Windows
Language: Unspecified/other

Published: 22. Aug, 2005
Downloads: 1003


Votes: 9
Crackme is nothing special.

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Solution by Gyver75, published 28. jul, 2010; download (2986 kb), password: or browse.

Gyver75 has rated this crackme as nothing special.

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Discussion and comments

23. Aug 2005
Hey man. I don't know how it raises the hell.
09. Sep 2005
Ok somewhere is there where it raises hell on your computer.
09. Sep 2005
i am a newbie and just want to see what the *HARD* crackeme looks like:)but it prompts me"Component 'COMDLG32.OCX' or one of its dependecies not correctly registered:a file is missing or invalid":(
Microsoft Windows 2000
Service Pack 3
09. Sep 2005
Download the file COMDLG32.OCX from the internet........... Just google for it.............. and then place it in your system folder............ That shud do..........
10. Sep 2005
Why don't you try Service Pack 4. Or do as _khAttAm_ said.
14. Sep 2005
He he... thanks for speaking on my side. Ok well this works
30. Sep 2005
Well if u can't do then ask me for the source..........
29. Feb 2008
i have 1 unpacked.or de sfxed-- weell if wana crack this crackme is better the unpacked..
patch i think that is better.. 1 patch and cracked..

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