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You have to patch this software to solve the challenge.

The problem:
The Win32 executable waits for an input into the textbox and a mouseclick in the "Output" Pushbutton. If the input is correct, it outputs a text. If the exe is patched correctly, the text output is "Hello World!".
The requested solution has only one bit changed in the patched version compared to the unpatched version.

Required for a valid solution: The file offset in the exe file to be patched, together with the old value and the new (patched) value. Both values must differ by one bit only.

If you have a little Windows programming experience, it should be not difficult to solve the problem.

Have fun!


Difficulty: 1 - Very easy, for newbies
Platform: Windows
Language: C/C++

Published: 20. Oct, 2010
Downloads: 1029


Votes: 5
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Discussion and comments

20. Oct 2010
Easy, but fun in some way.

Put in textbox "130"
Then change
004010EA B8 C8000000 MOV EAX,0C8
004010EA B8 C7000000 MOV EAX,0C7

One bit changed and solved

20. Oct 2010
evolution: C8 -> C7 it's not one bit, solution is

130, offset 0x4011B5 change 100 to 101

level 1 crackme
22. Oct 2010
yes true...just one stupid mistake, anyway yes, level 1 definitely.
31. Mar 2012
This program needs VC redist to be run
Does not run on XP by default
12. Nov 2013
uau congrat guys im a total noob and isnt so easy --'
12. May 2014
Really new to reversing, took me a while to figure out the "Hello World" part but I eventually figured it out. Really enjoyed it as a noob. Thanks for making it! : )
30. Jan 2015
set the static or global variable from 100 to 101.

To show the "Hello World". Jmp at

CMP eax, 1388

to avoid quit the program if you are in Debugger

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