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MMFCrackme by JiM~

Heres a crackme I created with Multimedia Fusion 2,
a powerful event-based rapid game development
application from a french company, Clickteam.

Any solution is acceptable. Feel free to patch, keygen, or
do whatever you please to make my crackme validate.

Good luck and have fun! :)

Difficulty: 3 - Getting harder
Platform: Windows
Language: Unspecified/other

Published: 17. May, 2008
Downloads: 621


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Solution by PeterPunk, published 22. jun, 2008; download (150 kb), password: or browse.

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Discussion and comments

17. May 2008
Funny but easy (just if you've worked before with apps which uses runtimes as VB, RealBasic, etc..) :P
17. May 2008
Easy for you :P.
18. May 2008
Yea it's pretty funny, something special :>

Interesting format, as HMX0101 already said the algo is quite easy.

I had fun with this ;)
18. May 2008
Yeah. The algo was simple. Focus for this one was on the runtime. ;) Nice work on the keygen, HMX0101
18. May 2008
Can you post a tut on the runtime pls?
18. May 2008
The music is awesome where did you get it?????????
18. May 2008
Thanks for the keygen, ;P I am defeated. :)

neo_40: the tune is summertime, by nula:
18. May 2008
Really simple. File are in the TEMP directory :-)
20. May 2008
Is there a solution on the way? This is an interesting crackme Jim~!
21. May 2008
I'm hoping for a solution too. I use MMF and I'm interested in figuring out the runtime and seeing how I can alter gameplay. I think MMF dev (or just some option) doesnt put the temp exe in the temp directory, only the extensions.
21. May 2008
5 mfx files, 1 sft file, 1 dll and 1 exe file in temp dir =).
I can't wait to see a solution for this one either.
21. May 2008
The mfx files are dll's.
22. May 2008
The good serial is displayed clearly
23. May 2008
TEMP directory? I can't find it. I am a newbie
23. May 2008
Who can give me any hint? Thx
23. May 2008
In windows xp, try looking in \Documents and Settings\(username)\Local Settings\Temp\
23. May 2008
Just put a bp in GetWindowTextA and press CTRL-F9 till you return to Runtime dll and try to follow what's going on :)
26. May 2008
I find the Temp directory.
And it is very funny, but difficulty for me. I need more work to catch up

HMX0101, I tried the way you posted, but after several steps, the "memory can't be read" error will happen. Maybe, I don't when the process is at the Runtime dll.

btw, English isn't my native language. So I am sorry if there're any misunderstanding. Thanks anyway
27. May 2008
no solutions for this 1 yet??????????????
13. Jun 2008
I sended a solution... you could have a look when it will be published but the best way to alter gameplay is GameWizard. A little tool for universal game cheating.
13. Jun 2008
@HMX0101 The breakpoint on GetWindowTextA doesn't work.
16. Jun 2008
To Jim~ i founded a serial for my name.
Is it a solution for your crackme or I have to write a keygen??
16. Jun 2008
Fishing a serial is really not enough.
16. Jun 2008
"MMFCrackme by JiM~

Heres a crackme I created with Multimedia Fusion 2,
a powerful event-based rapid game development
application from a french company, Clickteam.

Any solution is acceptable. Feel free to patch, keygen, or
do whatever you please to make my crackme validate.

Good luck and have fun! :)"
16. Jun 2008
My solution was rejected. becouse i didn't write a keygen.

If the author don't want a keygen but a keygen is necessary, a moderator should write a note in which he asks a keygen...

I losed a lot of time writing my solution...

This isn't correct.

Next time could be better to explain what is required.

It's a form of respect for someone who freely write a solution for this site.
16. Jun 2008
Well costy, that's strange because JiM~ wrote:

" (...)
Any solution is acceptable. Feel free to patch, keygen, or
do whatever you please to make my crackme validate."

Why you reject a solution if the author wrote this? Keygen is not required in this case.
16. Jun 2008
We don't like solutions that sound like "cake recipes":
"Do this, bp here, do that" without explaining anything.

The why is really as important as the how.
The main idea behind is to learn new things about reverse-engineering.

Only fishing or patching without explaining the algo doesn't teach much.
16. Jun 2008
I'll accept a fishing solution for this crackme if the algo is explained.
Serials don't fall fully-formed from the sky.

But logically, if you know the algo, you're one step away from making a keygen.
If the serial can be fished, it's only a matter of replicating the algo into a keygen.
17. Jun 2008
The algo isn't too complicated either.

Especially if you take a look at some of the names of the .mfx files that are unpacked. ;)
17. Jun 2008
costy: During all the time that you spent complaining, you could have improved your solution.
Posting a link to a rejected solution is never a good idea.
Either explain the algo or forget about this crackme.

If you don't know what goes on in a crackme and find a serial only by dumb luck, don't write a solution about that.
That's common sense!
18. Jun 2008
ok TiGa.
19. Jun 2008
I coded a keygen for this one. Now I'm working with the tutorial but I'm in troubles with the language (I only speak galician and spanish).

Probably I'll send it tomorrow.

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