downloadbrowse[_j_]'s stOoPiD

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it's kinda stupid...keygen it :)

Difficulty: 2 - Needs a little brain (or luck)
Platform: Windows
Language: Borland Delphi

Published: 25. Aug, 2009
Downloads: 490


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Discussion and comments

-Lord Virus-
13. Sep 2009
no solutions yet?. Ok. let's get this party started. jojojo.
20. Sep 2009
So, any takers?
22. Sep 2009
call @41843E appears to rijndael_decrypt() the decoded serial using the md5(computer_name) as the key...

however, instead of returning just the plaintext, it takes the last byte of the plaintext and makes the returned string this long (taking with it whatever junk is left on the stack)

example: serial "MTIzNDU2Nzg5MDEyMzQ1Ng==" decodes to string "1234567890123456" which is "\x31\x32...\x36"... exactly one block... when decrypted, I get back "\xb4\xaf...\xbd" (verified using other rijndael implementations)... however, the returned string is NOT one block long, it's 0xbd bytes long, and everything after the 16'th byte is random stack junk
23. Sep 2009
:P fully attributed to the nasty library being used to handle rijndael, and the wierd way it deals with delphi strings. The encoding is performed by default. Can send the keygen if necessary.

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