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write your own keygen

Difficulty: 3 - Getting harder
Platform: Windows
Language: C/C++

Published: 27. Dec, 2005
Downloads: 748


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Solution by Ank83, published 04. jan, 2006; download (16 kb), password: or browse.

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Discussion and comments

28. Dec 2005
My first internal keygen was for this crackme ! :) But rules are rules ! This is a good crackme, i think i understeand how the serial is generated, but it's prety long algoritam, so i dont even think about starting to write a keygen !
28. Dec 2005
Strip ASM Code and use it Inline?
28. Dec 2005
Wouldn't it be more satisfying not ripping the asm?
28. Dec 2005
yeee, but quite a work :<
04. Jan 2006
Ank83: dude your solution is an internal keygen.....that was supposed to be not allowed...
04. Jan 2006
To be honest I first I rip the procedure to get the magic string thay is used latter in the procedure of compliting the serial.
0040253C |> 0FB6542B C8 /MOVZX EDX,BYTE PTR DS:[EBX+EBP-38] ; |
00402541 |. 43 |INC EBX ; |
00402542 |. 88D0 |MOV AL,DL ; |
00402544 |. C0F8 04 |SAR AL,4 ; |
00402547 |. 83E2 0F |AND EDX,0F ; |
0040254A |. 66:0FBEF0 |MOVSX SI,AL ; |
0040254E |. 89F0 |MOV EAX,ESI ; |
00402550 |. 04 61 |ADD AL,61 ; |
00402552 |. 8881 D0634000 |MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ECX+4063D0],AL ; |
00402558 |. 88D0 |MOV AL,DL ; |
0040255A |. 04 61 |ADD AL,61 ; |
0040255C |. 8881 D1634000 |MOV BYTE PTR DS:[ECX+4063D1],AL ; |
00402562 |. 83C1 02 |ADD ECX,2 ; |
00402565 |. 83FB 20 |CMP EBX,20 ; |
00402568 |.^72 D2 \JB SHORT Internal.0040253C ; |
0040256A |. 66:8935 B26040>MOV WORD PTR DS:[4060B2],SI ; |
00402571 |. BB 40000000 MOV EBX,40 ; |
00402576 |. BF D0634000 MOV EDI,Internal.004063D0 ; |ASCII "egdiagak]h`a^e]i\n`ndc[k`lac`a\pglbjak_f^iho]bcfdcfgfc_p\dbp[g]k"
0040257B |. 891D B4604000 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[4060B4],EBX ; |
00402581 |. 31DB XOR EBX,EBX ; |
00402583 |. 66:8915 B06040>MOV WORD PTR DS:[4060B0],DX ; |
0040258A |. 897C24 04 MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4],EDI ; |
0040258E |. C70424 D062400>MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESP],Internal.004062D0 ; |ASCII "\a[capab[pggZj]i\n`ndc[k`lac`a\pglbjak_f^iho]bcfdcfgfc_p\dbp[g]k"
00402595 |. E8 E6130000 CALL <JMP.&msvcrt.strcpy> ; \strcpy
0040259A |> B9 D0624000 /MOV ECX,Internal.004062D0 ; ASCII "\a[capab[pggZj]i\n`ndc[k`lac`a\pglbjak_f^iho]bcfdcfgfc_p\dbp[g]k"
But then i said to my self wtf and I rip the hole code. So belive me that is not an internal keygen but a ripped code ! To write a keygen for this crackme you got to work at least a month on this crackme ! I belive that source of crackme is more that 5 pages of code. A keygen will be 10 !
So I was bad I ripped the code, and if that's not ok let the moderator take down the solution.
Sorry for not playing by the rulez

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