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Hello All!

This my first crackme and it very easy. Just find the correct serial,
create keygen, and write a small tut. =)
But it have TWO ways to key it:

1: For newbie: Find serial for your name
which make a goodboy message :)
2: For profi : Try to find name & serial
which make a VERY goodboy message %)

It was perfect if you try to create keygen without brute force.

And of coz, patches disallowed.
It hasn't any anti-debugger stuff...

Good luck! ;)

PS: Tested only on Windows XP SP2.

Difficulty: 1 - Very easy, for newbies
Platform: Windows
Language: Borland Delphi

Published: 21. Apr, 2006
Downloads: 1236


Votes: 4
Crackme is boring.

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Solution by Kostya, published 06. jul, 2006; download (3 kb), password: or browse.

Kostya has rated this crackme as nothing special.

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Discussion and comments

25. Apr 2006
Hm, what is that VERY goodboy msg? Is it encrypted?
25. Apr 2006
No, It's not encrypted. Open exe in Hex-Editor and look at addresses 7900h-79A0h ;)
Just goodboy msg - at 7D40-7DA0 :)

But I think the VERY goodboy msg isn't reachable... But if u can to prove it... ;o)
25. Apr 2006
Is it intended, that the entered serial is a factor in the calculation of the right serial for the normal goodboy message?
25. Apr 2006
Yes, it's my little idea. ;)
27. Apr 2006
It's booring? :/
30. Apr 2006
I enjoyed it. This was my first crackme. I see how it gets values for and uses the [name], [serial], [serial+name]. Then compares [name]+[name/serial] to the original serial. And I see where the final decision is made. But I haven't written a keygen for this yet.
10. May 2006
Anyone can create keygen? =)
Need some hints? =)
28. Jun 2006
2indomit: I did it.. :0)
09. Jul 2006
2Kostya, nice work, but in ur solution u wrote:
>>If we repeat it ("last part gen time") 4 times we will get our correct second part of serial.
Why exactly 4 times? %) I do not understand :)
23. Jul 2006
No need to deep inside the code algo, I made this without it. ;) << Yeah, no needs to try harder if it works..>> Am I right?! And also it has no crypt algos [we can load it in PEiD and start "Krypto ANALyzer" plugin to see all known crypto signatures].

I entered serial first , then tryed to do it second. (simple math induction method)
And then i realized that if we made the same actions 4 time we will have the results.
So if we make > 4 or 4 times keygenning we will have this results. E.g: if we enter serial 1234567890123456 and generate real serial (for my name) first time we will have FC33DFB9XXXXXXXX, after checking it, this serial we will be wrong because after keygening there is block of code which generates second part (starting @ 004087C5, ends @ 00408819), it is based on the serial we have entered. So in conclusion I want to say that it simply depends on the Name and the serial we have entered before.
But after keygening n times it will have key like FC33DFB95B588047 that after keygening by this block of code it will gen second part: 5B588047, SO we will have righ serial "FC33DFB9"+"5B588047". :) and the serial FC33DFB95B588047 will be correct! :)

Hm...And what about keygen it doesn't work?! :) Something wrong!?
Do u need source of my keygen!? (written in MASM32)

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