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HMX0101's Secretme #1

This is my new crackme with a
short algorithm and many tricks
to make your life burning in hell :D

To beat this crackme, you need:

- Unpack it!
- Find the tricks
- Make a keygen
- Write a tutorial


- Patching is not allowed!

Greets to:

moofy, ScR1pT_, Ank83, KLiZMA, Kerberos, R.E.M,
CracksLatinos, and all members in

HMX0101 / R.E.M

Difficulty: 2 - Needs a little brain (or luck)
Platform: Windows 2000/XP only
Language: Unspecified/other

Published: 15. Mar, 2006
Downloads: 1210


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Solution by l0calh0st, published 21. apr, 2006; download (23 kb), password: or browse.

l0calh0st has not rated this crackme yet.

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Discussion and comments

23. Mar 2006
A interestics crackme !
Is it acceptable to write the keygen with 3 data: secrectme process ID (changing), OllyDbg process ID (changing) and GetComputerName. So, to run the keygen, we need run OllyDbg, run secrectme, generate serial, and serial.
Sorry for my bad English !
23. Mar 2006
Easy stuff... specially for newbies XD
31. Mar 2006
Thank u HMX0101 for this nice Keygenme, good tricks to hide important information. ;-)
01. Apr 2006
Thanks for this challenge

But there is 3 JNZ that i dont understand.
If i reverse them, the serial is calculated otherwise not.
01. Apr 2006
It's ok now, it was a part of the tricks... Now i can write the keygen and tut. Thank you for this crackme, tricks are well implemented!
Are tou interested ?

sorry for bad english but i m french....
21. Apr 2006
l0calh0st, thanks for the solution you are a good cracker :)
21. Apr 2006
Thanks HMX0101 i have just started learning :)
26. Apr 2006
I have just finished a keygen for this one.
My tutorial is not finished yet, but it will soon...
My Keygen use original Secretme version (not patched), and don't need Olly (i emulate it).

I hope you will appreciate it.
Sorry for my bad english, i'm french
01. May 2006
l0calh0st: a nice and clear tutorial, but isn't nopping out those 6 lines a violation of the rules: No patching?

hmx0101: When you type the correct serial there is a message box saying "Good job!, now make a keygen", but it seems that you already have to have made a keygen to obtain the correct serial?
01. May 2006
Zaphod....patching the good jump or registration scheme is not could patch the debuggerchecks....Although if you don't wanna patch then you have to find the Processid of olly and concatenate it with the keygenmes Processid........Maybe HM0101 could clear more abt patching
01. May 2006
and without noping that jumps the registration code is not generated...and you should patch it to get a valid serial..this is just a little trick that HMX0101 said in the REadme
02. May 2006
I have sent my tut to moderators, i think i have missed nothing... I have tried the keygen on many computers and it worked great without any patching.
Give me your comment please

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