downloadbrowseHMX0101's HMX0101's Crackme #7

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Unpack this, and make a keygen.

Difficulty: 2 - Needs a little brain (or luck)
Platform: Windows 2000/XP only
Language: Unspecified/other

Published: 27. Dec, 2005
Downloads: 886


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Solution by anorganix, published 01. feb, 2006; download (209 kb), password: or browse.

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Discussion and comments

28. Dec 2005
What the hell is this not being loaded in my olly. Do we have to fix it or 'll have to use any other debugger???????
28. Dec 2005
I think its patching sumthing in ntdll.dll??
28. Dec 2005
A hint:

NumOfRVA = 10
29. Dec 2005
When I run the CrackMe there is an empty window saying HMX0101's CrackMe#7, but no Edit boxes to type a name or a serial - and no means of quitting the program. I have to use Ctrl-Alt-Delete. Is this intended?
29. Dec 2005
try to delete the manifest
29. Dec 2005
Oops - I don't even know what a manifest is - where can I read about that?
29. Dec 2005
first, unpack the crackme and use ResourceHacker or other for delete the manifest, the manifest provides the xp style to the applications
29. Dec 2005
I have unpacked the CrackMe and tried deleting various items with ResHacker, but either this have no effect or the program won't run after deleting. Well, I guess I'll just have to wait for someone to post a solution. Thx, anyway.
30. Dec 2005
If U want to Crack It,Do not need to Unpack it.
0040887D 8D55 E8 lea edx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-18]
00408880 8B45 FC mov eax,dword ptr ss:[ebp-4]
00408883 E8 A0FDFFFF call crackme#.00408628

F7 Use OD setp in 408628,you will see How to Keygen it.
31. Dec 2005
Only for crack, the more easy way is to change
004088A2 jnz short loc_4088BF to

004088A2 90 NOP
004088A3 90 NOP

But in this case, you have to know a length of password.
For name of 4 chars, it will be 11 chars
But password, after generating, is encoding. Then decoding again, same way like strings "Good Job!, now make a keygen" and "Completed". The password generator algorithm not difficult. Ill try to upload solution of keygen
31. Dec 2005
Happy New Year !!!
31. Dec 2005
Thank you
Good luck, be happy.
I wil glad to see your new puzzles
Your Crackme's most interesting!!!

Frome Russia with love :)
02. Feb 2006
I don't understand this - Anorganix writes in his solution that one should enter some name and serial after unpacking. But I can't do that! There are no edit boxes to enter anything in, just an empty window like I wrote earlier.
hmx0101 wrote that I should delete the manifest, but I don't know how to do that - and Anorganix doesn't mention anything about a manifest. Please help...
02. Feb 2006
It's weird that the CrackMe doesn't work on your box :(

I didn't mention anything about the XP manifest because it has nothing to do with reversing the CrackMe...
02. Feb 2006
Anorganix: Yes, it is weird, and it's exactly the same with hmx0101's CrackMe8 - no edit boxes and no means of quitting the crackme besides ctrl-alt-delete etc.
I hope hmx0101 can explain the manifest-thing to me...
02. Feb 2006
no its the manifest, maybe its a problem with windows drawing function (createwindowex, createwindow, etc) on your windows, i have tested on my two pc and this works!

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