downloadbrowseHMX0101's DOOM Keygenme

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Rules are simple, make a keygen for this wicked keygenme :)
No patch, after you analyse it.. you may probably ask, if you miss something or I am crazy?.
I'm not crazy, you missed something, yea! :)

Greets fly out to: Numernia, Encrypto, Cyclops, pusher, everlast, and all my other friends I forgot ;P

Difficulty: 4 - Needs special knowledge
Platform: Windows
Language: Borland Delphi

Published: 26. Aug, 2009
Downloads: 871


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Solution by redoC, published 05. nov, 2012; download (585 kb), password: or browse.

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Discussion and comments

25. Aug 2009
This is *the* earliest source for Win32.Induc virus I was able to locate. @HMX0101: any ideas where you got it? Or virus was a part of the challenge? ;)
25. Aug 2009
Oops. Seems like it is Induc, the one which infects Delphi Compiler, and modifies the stub. Lets wait until HMX updates :)
27. Aug 2009
Updated!.. I don't know how I got this virus.. but, now its fixed, enjoy it!.. And hope it could be solved now which is "virus-free" haha ;)
31. Aug 2009
I shall give this a try... i was kinda bored today :)
05. Sep 2009
What was the date for the file ? :)
HMX0101 Author of Induc... joking ;)
07. Sep 2009
If I remember correctly, it was late JAN 2009.
Induc was famous by early AUG, pretty old infection, indeed.
08. Oct 2012
new version uploaded? because ratio is still 21/43 on ... ???
08. Oct 2012
IIRC I put some junk code which AV may detect keygenme as a virus.
30. Oct 2012
.....test...... can't post comment!
30. Oct 2012
I already pass Serial test but need help with Activation code. Maybe it's trivial but can't find it. Here is algo. Input numbers are ActNum1 and ActNum2:

N = EB56660B454CD2AD3E08749550EA70E1DE3D445962F157184BA3C5EB1E986CE90068AA8AD691EA8182B87D79F4156FFC1E1114C88E4A370D5AED2C2009DE924F
BigNum1 = E6654F628B1022EEBB36455E2B9A975E9ED67432749B8C9BE11378FDF75DEC26CE840E7F71182645BA156E50A84BE8057286CB56EFDD52BADC951AEF482A50DC
BigNum2 = 7402150D082ADE34CDFF9BB2D053C731DCCC46A97207036510E7D2FA48348B747A2903D79AF39BF0E7D6E19A868B94D3EED03C0B5572711EC3B8D70730254A3C
RSA1 = pow (BigNum1, ActNum2) mod N
RSA2 = pow (BigNum2, ActNum1) mod N
mul_val = (RSA1 * RSA2) mod N
md5_val = MD5 (strcat(UserName,SerialNum))

final condition:
md5_val + mul_val == ActNum1

- modulus N is a prime
- this number is initialized but not used: C593BED83AEFB703F775EC8798FF398CF31FEDFF
... it can be used as one of the exponent
- I also find this 'secret' string:
"X=33008243F89B52F94BD1FBE5C18062CF71BCD6AB, Wow you found my priv. key.. now what's next? ;)"
01. Nov 2012
This is a custom signature scheme, as far as I can tell. Here's what's going on:

p = N
g = Bignum1
y = g^X = Bignum2
n = C593BED83AEFB703F775EC8798FF398CF31FEDFF = order of g

The scheme verifies that g^a y^b + H(m) = b. This is equal to g^(a + b*x) = b - H. To generate valid serials, you can:

- Set b = H(m) + 1
- Set a = n - (b*x mod n)

Note how b - H(m) is now 1, and so is g^(n - b*x + b*x (mod n)) = g^n = 1.
01. Nov 2012
Dcoder your descriptin is too vague. Did you test your scheme and it works?

- In line "Set a = n - (b*x mod n)" to get x ?
- Secret private key 33008243F89B52F94BD1FBE5C18062CF71BCD6AB is not used?
01. Nov 2012
To get x you need to calculate modular inverse (x=b^-1 mod n). You can use for it extended euclidian algorithm.
02. Nov 2012
Yes, I got it!

"And now we are all doomed!"
05. Nov 2012
Hey redoC, nice sol! and Dcoder good explanation :))
Btw, this was the crypto used:

Keep the good work! :)

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