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First keygenme coded by me in C ;P
Its overbloated to be my first one haha :D

Only valid solution is: keygen!
Greetz to: Numernia, Encrypto,, _pusher_, everlast, and everyone I forgot :)

Powered by: crypto ;p

Difficulty: 2 - Needs a little brain (or luck)
Platform: Windows
Language: C/C++

Published: 12. Nov, 2009
Downloads: 563


Votes: 3
Crackme is quite bad.

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Solution by Numernia, published 13. jan, 2010; download (63 kb), password: or browse.

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Discussion and comments

als pom
12. Nov 2009
for the name Alexander the serial is rk
12. Nov 2009
this is a very odd keygenme... it sometimes crashes, sometimes just closes, othertimes does a pause and then closes... and then you could also possibly get the good message and a pause lol... pretty sure their is a buffer overflow going on somewhere.. i didnt dig into it too far but it is rather odd.
12. Nov 2009
00401A8F -> Sometimes dividing by zero.
12. Nov 2009
@als_pom: that's not a valid serial, since serial must be length > 3 :)
@fjlj: I think it will crash if you don't input in the right way :)
@jspedros: same for you, you must analyze the format of the serial...

I don't check for everything, because i'll leave that to the imagination of the cracker (I guess some things aren't need to be checked, because there are obvious ;p).

And don't blame me, its my first real coding in C ;d
27. Nov 2009
Hmm i think i solved this..but i dont know if i am right, pmed you HMX0101.
27. Nov 2009
I didn't received any pm :/
If you solved it without patching and without bruting, nice.. then its fine :)

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