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You don't like crypto? then you like basic math for sure :)
Only valid solution is a keygen.

HMX0101 // 16-04-2011

Difficulty: 2 - Needs a little brain (or luck)
Platform: Windows
Language: Borland Delphi

Published: 20. Apr, 2011
Downloads: 429


Votes: 4
Crackme is nothing special.

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Solution by darkelf, published 08. feb, 2012; download (8 kb), password: or browse.

darkelf has rated this crackme as quite nice.

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Discussion and comments

22. Apr 2011
Done. New here.
22. Apr 2011

You solved it?
23. Apr 2011
haw about if i have no idea to keygen :(
and i use old trick HexEditor
modified addr 33A1 from h74 to h75
is that crazy ? do you have any other app ?
24. Apr 2011
I do not understand where is a calculation of serial :(

P.S. My English is bad, I am Russian
26. Apr 2011
Well, either I overlook something really important or it is not possible to keygen this crackme. I think there is no system of equations that meets the needs for such a serial. I mean how could there be number that fulfill something like:

(0 * x + 9 * y + 1 * z) / a = 1 (with no remainder) &&
(3 * x + 5 * y + 5 * z) / a = 0 &&
(2 * x + 7 * y + 2 * z) / a = 0

(and that's only one third of the stuff)

If a system exists and you call it really "basic maths" then..., yes then I'm a complete moron.
26. Apr 2011
@darkelf, could you please point to the equations in code?
26. Apr 2011
Sure, as stated above, if I don't overlook important parts, the fun will start at 00013CCC. The algo first checks if your serial has a certain "style" and in case it has it moves on to the equations just a couple of lines below that. But I MUST have overlooked something, because if it didn't there is no keygen.

@HMX0101 I see the crc32 and what you do afterwards with the hash. But you don't seem to use it. Is it just a trap?
26. Apr 2011
edit: OK, now I see how you are using the hash - but the problem remains. For my username "Darkelf" the table will be filled with the following numbers:

0 3 2 9 5 7 1 5 2 1

which leads to the equations problem above.
The equations above are for my username. If a take for instance, the second one, we see, that it will only be 0 (no remainder allowed) if x ,y and z are also 0 - but if they are all 0, the first equation cannot resolved to 1 - Never!

HMX0101, please shed some light on this.

P.S. imho it far away from being a "2". It's much more difficult. If I download a crackme that says it's a "2", I'll expect fun for an hour or two (at most). This is way beyond.
26. Apr 2011
Very easy way:
13FA1: JE SHORT keygenme.0013FB8 => 13FA1: JNZ SHORT keygenme.0013FB8
26. Apr 2011
read: "Only valid solution is a keygen."

What's not understandable in this phrase?
27. Apr 2011


So much fun :)
27. Apr 2011
Umm, so it's official now. I'm a complete moron.
I made mistakes. Not one but two of them.
The first one I made was concentrating only on the number of dots, so I left out the last number and the second one was the use of only one serial, that never produced a negative number. So I wrongly thought there are only positive numbers, which leads me on the wrong track and ended in my equation problem.
Well, will never make this mistakes again. So this crackme was VERY educational.
Thank you.
27. Apr 2011
@mario_crk: nice work ;)
@darkelf: you're not moron, you just omitted some stuff, that's all ;p
27. Apr 2011
@HMX0101: Thanks, you are really kind, but I was somewhat noisy, therefore I bow my head in humility.

I forgot to add my serial in my last comment, so here it is:

01. May 2011
Hmm, may be a stupid question, but how do I rate a crackme? I don't see any button for that.
01. May 2011
@darkelf: you can rate it in the box called 'Rating' located in the upper-right corner :)

Btw, are you going to write a solution? :D
01. May 2011
@HMX0101: No I can't rate it. There is nothing like a link or a button in the "Rating"-box. I wouldn't have asked this question else.
Well, since I made a working keygen for your crackme, I maybe should write a solution also. It's only the lack of time that hinders me so far.
01. May 2011
I'm waiting for solution of this crackme :)
About "rate button" You need upload at less one solution to see it :)
02. May 2011
I just uploaded a solution.
Rating is still not possible.
That's somewhat ridiculous.
02. May 2011
You will be able to vote when your solution is approved.
At lease one approved solution/crackme is required for voting.
08. Feb 2012
I'm sooo happy that is finally back. Hurray!

Unfortunately, something with the voting system seems to be not working correct. I'm pretty sure I voted the crackme as "good", but under "Solutions" ther it says: "You have rated this crackme as quite nice." Maybe someone with power can check if two variables got mixed up.

Again: welome back!!!

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