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Scandal0us C0de

My last keygenme coded in asm.
Just use your brain, a pen and a paper, it's only logical and maths, as the last time ^^
BRUTEFORCING and PATCHING are always forbidden !
Writing a keygen/tutorial is the only solution allowed ;)

Have fun !


Difficulty: 4 - Needs special knowledge
Platform: Windows
Language: Assembler

Published: 30. Jul, 2007
Downloads: 777


Votes: 4
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Discussion and comments

01. Aug 2007
Nice one, solved it :D gj again haiklr
01. Aug 2007
A nice one indeed.
01. Aug 2007
Nice, truly nice, but i did not understand why it crashes on my Win 2k3.
On XP works fine ;)
01. Aug 2007
nice one haiklr, good job!
btw, reverse the fpu part isn't that easy for me..
01. Aug 2007
I can find a number ( 12135053 ) for the first editbox that makes it 7 times through the loop from 4025AD to 4025CC, but not the 8th time.
Am I on a completely wrong track? Is this a fake algo or something?
01. Aug 2007
Zaphod, it's the real algo! The first number exists, try to do some test with a pen and a paper and... ;)
01. Aug 2007
Thx :]

@Ox87k : i don't why it crashs on Win 2k3, sorry :s
@Zaphod : no it's a true algo... 12135053 is unavailable, your number must make it 8 times through the loop ;)
02. Aug 2007
Does it crash on startup or when the button is clicked?
02. Aug 2007
It crashes when is launched
02. Aug 2007
I've debugged the crash under Vista x64 and it happens at
004028FE call GetLocalTime

The same code under XP SP2 is:
004028FE call GlobalAlloc

The same thing must be happening under 2K3.
02. Aug 2007
Yeah!! : I solved the crackme!

Oh no!! : I bruteforced! Awww...
03. Aug 2007
Zaphod, did you bruteforce the second part (the fpu's part) or the first?

I don't understand how to solve the fpu.. some hint?
04. Aug 2007
0x87k: I am a little ashamed to say that I bruteforced both parts :(
I don't see how you can logically deduct the number for the first textbox. As for the fpu-part: You take the sine for the numbers in box 2 and 3, multiply them and round the result off to an integer. This integer must be 0.
That means that both sines must be very small. So I wrote a short routine that went through the numbers between 1 and 100000000 to find two numbers with very small sines.
Perhaps this part can be solved by using some formula involving sin and cos, I don't know...
04. Aug 2007
@Zaphod: It's just a mathematical inversion, if you make a little change of abstraction level you will see that:

Sum = aA^2 + ... + nN^2
n = Costant
N = Your Value

Next you have an IDIV, but you can consider it as a MOD operation..

Make the correct inversions and you will have the solution..

Can be used also a Math Modelling program as Mathematica to do that

@0x87k: Still working on it, i'll send you some hint when finished ;)

Have a nice Day
04. Aug 2007
evilcry 1: I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you mean. We are dealing with an 8-digit number, num = n1n2n3n4n5n6n7n8 which is divided with 2,3,4...9, so that:

num MOD 2 = n1
num MOD 3 = n2
num MOD 4 = n3
num MOD 9 = n8

How do you inverse that and find num?
04. Aug 2007
There is a way to reverse this, you need some Number Theory concept ;)

05. Aug 2007
evilcry1 is alright, for the first part, think about arithmetic basics :) it's only logical and deduction, you don't need to calculate anything :]

For the fpu part, think about this equation : sin(x) = 0 ... what can be x ?

Good luck !
06. Aug 2007
I found only one couple of values after some test that it allow me to solve it. But i don't think there is only one..
06. Aug 2007
@Ox87k : no there's several couples of values which are okay. However, one couple is sufficient :] If you found one, you solve the crackme ;)
08. Aug 2007
haiklr: Yes, if sin(x) = 0, x should be PI, 2*PI, 3*PI etc., so we shall find a whole number that is very close to a multiple of PI.
But it seems to me that this involves some bruteforcing unless we have some formula that can help.
Do we have such a formula?
08. Aug 2007
@Zaphod : yes, you're okay... the aim of this crkme is to find an approximation of pi ;)
Bruteforcing is forbidden, so you must to find an other way to solve this problem.

However, many ways are used to approximate irrationnal numbers (exp, square root of 2...), and they don't need to bruteforce. Maybe search about continued fractions... it's a big hint ;)

Good luck !
09. Aug 2007
continued fractions... it's a big hint ;) :D:D yeah truly big big big!
09. Aug 2007
He! I'm sure it's a big hint - if you know what continued fractions are. Hmm - I'll try Google...
10. Aug 2007
haiklr + evilcry 1: Thanks for directing my attention to continued fractions. There are some really good sites on this subject. Very interesting! Now I can find the numbers for box 2 and 3 using pen and paper.

What part of Number Theory should I know something about to find the number for the first box?
10. Aug 2007
Zaphod, try to read here:

After that, just write in a paper the fpu calcs like a phormula and finally try to tie this with the reading...
Sorry for my bad english.. :(
10. Aug 2007
0x87k: No, I think you misunderstand - I have finished the fpu-part. Now it's the modulo-part I'm thinking about.
10. Aug 2007
@Zaphod : think about arithmetic basics, in particular about divisibilty. I think you must reduce step by step the different possibilities, according to the divisors.

Sorry for my english :/
12. Aug 2007
One of the answers:

sin(80143857) * 10000000 * 100000000 * sin(16707065)近似取整(frndint指令)结果为0。
12. Aug 2007
Scan 3..200000000 to find x that sin(x)<=2.265e-8。
09. Aug 2013
Cracking done ! Math rocks.
Thanks haiklr.

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