downloadbrowseGauri's [A]bu Crackme 8

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5:20 PM 11/24/05

1. To unlock the button and text box you must have to type the correct serial to unlock... :lol:

2. no any patching... :lol:

3. you can't enable the button by patching... :lol:

4. the special thing of this crackme is "You can find it your self because it have many features"... :lol:

5. Find the correct serial... :lol:

6. After that write how you did it... :lol:

7. the crackmes.dll is nessessary for the program... :lol:

Difficulty: 1 - Very easy, for newbies
Platform: Windows
Language: Unspecified/other

Published: 28. Nov, 2005
Downloads: 852


Votes: 5
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Solution by konstAnt, published 07. dec, 2005; download (2 kb), password: or browse.

konstAnt has rated this crackme as awesome.

Solution by ByteCaper, published 02. dec, 2005; download (1 kb), password: or browse.

ByteCaper has not rated this crackme yet.

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Discussion and comments

28. Nov 2005
Nice one ;-) There was a crackme, recently, that used the same technique so it's easy if you know what to look for....

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