downloadbrowsedila's Fishing with DiLA v0.3

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These small challenges are designed to test your debugging and assembly skills.

I've decided not to overwhelm you with instructions, as most crackmes do
but rather keep the code to a minimum, focusing on one or two really specific tricks.

The crackmes range in difficulty from a single comparison with an immediate constant
to some slightly more elaborate execution control - however all of the crackmes
follow on from each other, all the window code is exactly the same.

Difficulty: 1 - Very easy, for newbies
Platform: Windows
Language: Assembler

Published: 14. Mar, 2006
Downloads: 1136


Votes: 3
Crackme is boring crap.

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Solution by AttilhaZ, published 17. mar, 2006; download (2 kb), password: or browse.

AttilhaZ has not rated this crackme yet.

Solution by HMX0101, published 17. mar, 2006; download (1021 b), password: or browse.

HMX0101 has not rated this crackme yet.

The submission of solutions is closed.

Discussion and comments

04. Apr 2006
Look at the comparison just before bad boy message in the ebx register...........;)
13. May 2006
I see the correct line to look at but how do you know what ebx is equal to?
20. May 2006
If you look above the compare you can see with what compares ebx

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