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Dongle Me By Cyclops

Acceptable solution:
1. A hardware(you can send it via snail Schematic, firmware, information and some pics/video will do.
2. A custom dongle emulator program.
A separate keygen is much appreciated ;)

Level: It is fairly easy. Both dongle and crypto.

Tested on: XP SP3, Vista x86, Vista x64

Greetings to my friends, especially the ones over #crackmesde on dalnet.
Thanks to Sam for a quick GFX, J&J for HW support.

Difficulty: 5 - Professional problem to solve
Platform: Windows
Language: C/C++

Published: 27. Apr, 2010
Downloads: 615


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Discussion and comments

27. Apr 2010
nice one from ya cyclops :D i guess this is the 1st crackme which uses dongle in !!?
28. Apr 2010
Interesting one, what a keygen means exactly in this case?
28. Apr 2010
There are some calculations which makes the dongle *verified*. You have to reverse that part for the keygen(keygen is 2nd part, for first part you have to make a dongle).
28. Apr 2010
I think that good idea
28. Apr 2010
very good one!
28. Apr 2010
I would like to see a solution of this one, since I have no dongle experience. Im more interested in the coding part regarding the emulator.
04. May 2010
well, i have analized crypto part of this crackme
i found that crackme uses ECNR
and i have a few questions
as r=G*rnd+m (mod q)
and v must equal to message in ECNR,
how to sign r for user name if v^EA3AB084510=m (mod q)
where m = Crc (user name),
or i am doing something wrong..
and how much time needs for solving ECDLP ?
05. May 2010
Like HTP, waiting for a solution
This one seem great :)
06. May 2010
@qpt^J: 40% of queries I cant understand..sorry!
ECNR -> Correct
r=G*rnd+m (mod q) -> Correct

how much time needs for solving ECDLP ?
Pretty long time, until and unless you find an easier way (plz, dont patch!). PM me if you need further help with ECNR:)
06. May 2010
I thought i'd see what was involved in writing a virtual device driver, but now that i see this has an ECDLP factor, i'm not going to try because i don't know the first thing about solving ECDLP. Congrats on writing a nice crackme though Cyclops!
21. May 2010
Interesting crackme, cyclops.
It seems lots of PS3 could help solve this ECNR. ;)
21. May 2010
Yes, divinomas! around 200 iirc ;)
24. Feb 2011
I havent seen any solution so far, so I decided to take a look at it.
I noticed that it starts by enumerating the devices, and each time it manages to get a valid handle calls the HidD_GetAttributes function where there is a call to the DeviceIoControl win API:

73561ABA 52 PUSH EDX
73561ABB 51 PUSH ECX
73561ABC 51 PUSH ECX
73561ABD 68 A8010B00 PUSH 0B01A8
73561AC2 50 PUSH EAX
73561AC3 FF15 24105673 CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&KERNEL32.DeviceI>; kernel32.DeviceIoControl

I took a look at the control codes in the MSDN but i did not find anyone matching B01A8, and unless I missed something think I tried them all to see the corresponding constant.

Any tips?
24. Feb 2011
Seen the ECNR part aswell, but I have only one PS3 ;p

Cyclops, Numernia, qpt^J : can ya send some 199 more ps3(s) to my address ;p (kinda 199 div 3) ;p
02. Mar 2011
HidD_GetAttributes is a standard API. Instead of going into its details, try to understand why/for what it is used. That will be a much better approach :)

people who have 200+ PS3s already done it, ask em :P
06. Mar 2012
Maybe there is a solution for crypto-dummies and non-gamers! The crc is the weak link (together with the sloppy report length checking...)

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