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Hello guys,

This is my first release. I went easy on this one. I have implemented some protection
but nothing too bad. The serial algorithm is simple so have fun.

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- CRY971C

Sorry for bad english.

Difficulty: 2 - Needs a little brain (or luck)
Platform: Windows
Language: Java

Published: 22. Jul, 2008
Downloads: 793


Votes: 4
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Solution by xylitol, published 29. jul, 2008; download (19 kb), password: or browse.

xylitol has rated this crackme as quite nice.

Solution by obnoxious, published 29. jul, 2008; download (7 kb), password: or browse.

obnoxious has not rated this crackme yet.

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Discussion and comments

22. Jul 2008
My next release will be harder. It will be a while though because I haven't taken data structures yet. Again, after you get past the protection you should be home free.
22. Jul 2008
How can i load it??
I feel confused.
22. Jul 2008
hehe double click on Crackme.jar at least if you don't have JRE (Java Runtime Environment ) else download it from here:
if my info was right :p
22. Jul 2008
ermm... you shouldn't be posting keygens here Ox87k....
22. Jul 2008
You shouldn't download it :)
22. Jul 2008
Excuse me Ox87k could you make a solution explaining what have you done? I can't understand the crackme.
I saw other crackme written in java but the solution are difficult to undertand becouse i know approximactly nothing about Java. Thank you.
23. Jul 2008
Great job man, keep the solutions(keygens) out of the comments though so more people can learn.

TIP FOR EVERYONE: The algoritm is as basic as it gets. Concentrate on getting through the obfuscation then the algorithm will be a sinch.

Dont give up costy, java is a doll once you get to know her ;-)
23. Jul 2008


I know this doll well, for I have to deal with her within my studies...and I´d be happier if I hadn´t to.
She owns long big teeth, yellow eyes and a devil´s smile...and she never heard about .exe-files.

For personal painful reasons, I won´t write a solution :D ... I hope Ox87k will.
23. Jul 2008

You must be CompSci/SoftEng too eh?

I guess it just goes to personnel opinion but I love java because if a system can run the JRE it can run java apps.

This mean linux, osx(?) even mobile devices. It just seems harder to do cross platform compatibility with the windows API.
24. Jul 2008

Yes, I am :). A lot of my fellow students love that language, and of course it has its adavantages.
Your point with the cross platform compatibility is a good example.

Anyway, as you said, it´s also a matter of personal taste and feeling...I just don´t like the feeling of coding in Java, for it´s a very strict/formal language (and not particularly suitable for the fast solution of problems, I think).

Call me crazy, but it seems while coding, I just "don´t get through to her" :D. It´s like staying at the surface, while coding in C or even asm goes beneath it.
Just my own experiences :)
29. Jul 2008

nice and well-written/understandable solution! :)
04. Apr 2013
I may have found a glitch... there is a name that allows you to write whatever serial you'd like.
04. Apr 2013
EDIT: The serial has to be the same as the name
04. Apr 2013
There is a serial that allows whatever name
04. Apr 2013
As long as it's 4 chars
04. Apr 2013
I may have a glitch... I found a name where whatever you type as serial you've still completed it

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