downloadbrowsecosty's S-n-a-i-ck the worm game

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This crackme is about the old game you surely know.
The crackme starts when the user runs "the_loader.exe".
"the_loader.exe" and "s-n-a-i-ck.exe" comunitate in order to make the software work correctly.
You have to modify "s-n-a-i-ck.exe".
The crackme is solved when "the_loader.exe" is no more necessary.
You can patch, code inject, add a dll...
Good luck.
I hope you like the crackme.

Ps. Congratulation to synak who solved FOUR ACES, my last crackme about POKER.

Ps2. The files must stay in the same directory.

Difficulty: 3 - Getting harder
Platform: Windows
Language: (Visual) Basic

Published: 31. May, 2010
Downloads: 366


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Solution by PeterPunk, published 02. jun, 2010; download (25 kb), password: or browse.

PeterPunk has not rated this crackme yet.

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Discussion and comments

31. May 2010
Nibbler rules!!!!
Solution submitted.
01. Jun 2010
The solution is not good.
It should be better to delete it.

Try this if the snaick is going down and you click arrow up in the original crackme the snaick refuses to go up and continue to go down.
In the PeterPunk's solution if the snake is going down and you click arrow up the game ends with a game over.

The same consideration is valid if the snake is going to the left and the user clicks the right arrow.
In the original version the snake refuses to change direction and continues to go to the left, in the PeterPunk's solution the game end becouse the user lost.

This is the real difficulty of this crackme.
I wish a better solution will be uploaded and this one, that is incorrect should be deleted.

I don't know if I were clear becouse I'm not English, so I get some difficulties to explain, but the NEW version doesn't work exactly like the original one.

To moderators: please test what I wrote.
01. Jun 2010
PeterPunk: please consider your solution on hold... please upload new version over it (click "your submissions" -> "upload new version") when you've addressed costy's concerns
01. Jun 2010
Sorry costy, I had not noticed that detail.
I've uploaded a new version. And I hope everything is already fixed.
02. Jun 2010
Your solution is perfect now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02. Jun 2010
Thanks costy.
Your crackmes are always interesting and very original.
27. Oct 2010
Well i like this one more than the poker one........Its great and i am working on it now...(I think you are a great programmer with great ideas to make for crackmes)it just happens to hate gambling :P

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