downloadbrowsecosty's FIRST COSTY's Crackme

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Excuse me for my English.
I hope that you will enjoy this crackme.
It's written in Visual Basic and it could let you improve your skill with VB programs.
Also it isn't the standard name / serial crackme.
Have a look!

Difficulty: 2 - Needs a little brain (or luck)
Platform: Windows
Language: (Visual) Basic

Published: 20. Apr, 2008
Downloads: 540


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Solution by DrPepUr, published 25. apr, 2008; download (67 kb), password: or browse.

DrPepUr has not rated this crackme yet.

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Discussion and comments

25. Apr 2008
thank DrPepUr, I learned from your solution
25. Apr 2008
Good job DrPepUr.
I tought that someone would simply change the jump at 407919.

Sorry for my English.
26. Apr 2008
I got bored...figured it could apply to other things in VB
15. May 2008
costy, you say that the bird should arrive at the red line. I can patch so this happens, but the bird jumps back to the beginning over and over. Is it supposed to stay by the red line?
I won't look at DrPepUr's solution yet...
16. May 2008
Zaphod... do as you like. :-)
It could be funny to stop the bird at the red line...
In the DrPepUr solution the bird jumps back to the beginning over and over.
I think that it's not so difficult to stop the bird if you want i will have a look.
Contact me on msn
16. May 2008
No, it would not be hard to stop the bird at the red line, but it would take a little ( very little ) bit of programming.
To let the bird reach the red line and jump back I just changed one byte, and I think I'll consider that a solution :)
16. May 2008
Yes Zaphod It's exactly what DrPepUr did in his solution.

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