downloadbrowsecosty's COSTY's Second Crackme - Crack this Bitmap Creator

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Costy's Second Crackme
Crack this bitmap creator.


Written in Visual Basic 6

This crackme is offered without any warranty.
Use it at your own risk.

This program writes bitmap on the hard disk.
Pay attention to overwrite existing files.

The crackme is a simple bitmap creator.
You can draw with your mouse the picture area but when
you save the file it will show a watermark.

Modify the program as it will save images without any

Then you can write a tutorial and post it on

I hope you also try my first crackme.
My first crackme is more funny.

Difficulty: 2 - Needs a little brain (or luck)
Platform: Windows
Language: (Visual) Basic

Published: 30. Apr, 2008
Downloads: 472


Votes: 3
Crackme is quite bad.

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Solution by Jim~, published 17. may, 2008; download (15 kb), password: or browse.

Jim~ has rated this crackme as nothing special.

Solution by DigitalAcid, published 17. may, 2008; download (53 kb), password: or browse.

DigitalAcid has not rated this crackme yet.

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Discussion and comments

11. May 2008
Hmm, is this one even possible to solve ? 8-)
I can patch the "Demo" picture, but that's like aesthetic patching...
12. May 2008
In the crackme there isn't any registration routine. So you have to patch. What do you mean with a <patch the "Demo" picture>?? Anyway you can patch it as you like.
12. May 2008
Well, i had patched it so the picture was white, so you still couldn't draw anything at that area.
Really, i have no idea how to solve this in another way, because everything is done through the MSVBVM or another dll.
Now i patched it in another way so you can draw anything in that area.
I have uploaded a solution.
12. May 2008
I hope you had not reduced Demo picture size...
But If can not find other way I can accept this solution.

Have you tried to set a breakpoint on picture data??
12. May 2008
Yeah, reducing the picture size is what i did =).
I put a BP at the start of first picture byte and some other things, but i really can't find where to make it skip writing the demo picture inside the crackme itself...
Patching outside of the crackme (MSVBVM or whatever) didn't really work either.
12. May 2008
Hello Digital Acid...
1) Why not make a little of code ingection.
Write a dll that saves picture to files then make the program call this dll. It's possibile.

Call GetActiveWindow to find the crackme form
Call EnumWindows and GetClassName to find the handle of the picture box
Save picture to file using a bit of grafic function.

2) Demo picture is painted in the left bottom corner... Make the program paints this picture outside the picturebox area.
It's really difficult.

Probably I have to change difficulty
12. May 2008
Well, i can't really program stuff like that.
About point 2, it's in the top left corner (the picture is also hidden inside the crackme) and i thought about that idea, but can't find it or don't know how to do that =).
13. May 2008
well I'm useless at VB6 so will look forward to any tutorials on it...
13. May 2008
Yes, it is in the left top corner. My English is bad and i wrote "left bottom corner". My mistake.

Picture isn't hidden. You can see it with vbreformer. It's inside a picture box : picture2.
This picture box is invisible.
propriety visible = false.
17. May 2008
good! Jim~ and DigitalAcid founded an identical solution. WOW
17. May 2008
Lol, we didn't cheat :P.
I don't know him at all lol.
I would like to see another solution though...
17. May 2008
Haha. Nice. Yeah, I gave up modifying the executable after a few tries. Maybe I need to spend some more time taking a harder look at it...
17. May 2008
That's what i tried at first, but finally i had to use this approach too =).
18. May 2008
I'm waiting someone who solve my crackme paching the code.

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