downloadbrowsecosty's Anti-Reflector Crackme By Costy

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Sorry for my English.

You have to find a valid serial without patching.

The check routine is easy but NET Reflector can't load the routine correctly. You need to use another tool.

The difficulty is 4 becouse people usually use Reflector becouse it's user friendly... but now it's impossible to use it.

If Reflector works on your pc please specify witch version works.

Difficulty: 2 - Needs a little brain (or luck)
Platform: Windows
Language: .NET

Published: 16. Jun, 2008
Downloads: 419


Votes: 4
Crackme is nothing special.

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Solution by MACH4, published 21. jun, 2008; download (701 kb), password: or browse.

MACH4 has rated this crackme as quite nice.

Solution by BeatriX, published 21. jun, 2008; download (172 kb), password: or browse.

BeatriX has rated this crackme as nothing special.

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Discussion and comments

16. Jun 2008
Reflector works nearly perfectly on this target...maybe you forgot something ? in 2 minutes, the crackme is solved
16. Jun 2008
However the trick works fine with Reflector
16. Jun 2008
Sorry for my double-post but BeatriX... i upgrade my reflector to v5.1.2.0 and the trick works still fine. Maybe you have some plugin?

I mean only IL diasm works (btw this one also with
16. Jun 2008
LOL, solved! XD
16. Jun 2008
Sorry guys. I have "Lutz Roeder's .NET Reflector".
Infact I wrote the protection and tested it on Reflector

When I click on the Button1_Click routine inside Reflector I have an error. This is what Reflector says :

Bug Report for .NET Reflector

[Please describe what might have caused this error.]

Translation failure in 'Anti_reflector.Form1.Button1_Click(Object, EventArgs) : Void' in 'Anti-reflector, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.



Expression stack is empty at offset 00B5.


in ឺ.ᜀ()
in ឺ.᜘()
in ឺ.ᜊ(Int32 A_0)
in ឺ.ᜋ(Int32 A_0)
in ឺ.ᜂ(Int32 A_0, Int32 A_1)
in ឺ.ᜀ(IMethodDeclaration A_0, IMethodBody A_1)
in ឤ.ᜀ(IMethodDeclaration A_0)
in ឥ.ᜁ(IMethodDeclaration A_0)
in ᝎ.ᜀ(Boolean A_0, Boolean A_1, Boolean A_2)

.NET Reflector
.NET Framework 2.0.50727.1433
Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2
Culture: it-IT (it-IT)

"C:\Documents and Settings\costy123abc\Desktop\tools\NET Reflector\addins\AutoDiagramer.dll"
"C:\Documents and Settings\costy123abc\Desktop\tools\NET Reflector\addins\Reflector.FileDisassembler.dll"
"C:\Documents and Settings\costy123abc\Desktop\tools\NET Reflector\addins\Reflexil.dll"

"%ProgramFiles%\Reference Assemblies"
"%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Silverlight"

"%ProgramFiles%\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.5\System.Core.dll"
"%ProgramFiles%\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.0\System.ServiceModel.dll"
"C:\Documents and Settings\costy123abc\Desktop\SpaghettiMe.exe"
"%ProgramFiles%\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.0\System.Workflow.ComponentModel.dll"
"%ProgramFiles%\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.0\System.Workflow.Runtime.dll"
"%ProgramFiles%\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.0\System.Workflow.Activities.dll"
"%ProgramFiles%\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.0\WindowsBase.dll"
"%ProgramFiles%\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.0\PresentationCore.dll"
"%ProgramFiles%\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\v3.0\PresentationFramework.dll"
"C:\Documents and Settings\costy123abc\Desktop\Copia di NewKeygenME.exe"
"C:\Documents and Settings\costy123abc\Desktop\Crackme.exe"
"C:\Documents and Settings\costy123abc\Desktop\Anti-reflector_by_Costy.exe"

ActiveLanguage="Visual Basic"



The program asks me to send these informations to its author.
I tried on another computer with the same version of reflector. Do you have another version of reflector? Do you have any plugin??
Explain better how do you make reflector works.
16. Jun 2008
ok ok ! Yes, I have solved this crackme by reading and interpreting the Intermediate Language given by Reflector because I have the same bug than you but... in the readme, I read "You need to use another tool". So, I understood that it was a complete anti-reflector trick (even for the IL option). I think Ox87k didn't use another tool to solve it. Anyway, it is a good trick costy !
16. Jun 2008
Yeah BeatriX, i thought this trick works because my reflector was on C# interpreter and i wrote my first post because i didn't try to change it!
After the upgrade on v5.1.2.0 i changed it and finally i understand your first post because i did the same.. just understand few IL istructions and voilà.. ;)

I didn't use any other tool! :P
16. Jun 2008
new game : modify 1 byte in Anti-Reflector to eliminate the naughty trick ! :)
16. Jun 2008
WOW BeatriX you have understood how the trick works.
Fill free to explain how to remove the trick...

I thought that reflector can't show the code at all...
It can't show the code in Visual Basic, C#, Delphi, MC++, Chrome... but it shows the code in IL. Anyway understand the code is much difficult.
The code in IL is easy to understand but my trick is still good... infact i wrote an easy algo.
A difficult routine would be much difficult to understand in IL.

Anyway I focused my attention to the protection... I know that the algo is easy :-)
16. Jun 2008
Yes nice one costy.

very easy to break the protection using reflector and ildasm but nice to see the .NET crackmes getting interesting!

@BeatriX Yes just one act to view the code!

17. Jun 2008
can i get recognition since my crackme (which was rejected) inspired this one? lol
17. Jun 2008
Both challenges done!
@BeatriX you encouraged me to look at why it was not user-friendly
17. Jun 2008
I have to say that this crackme was inspired by another crackme made by PrincessJade... her crackme was interesting... I patched her executable and noticed that sometimes reflector fails to load the code in Visual Basic format or c# format after the code is modified with reflexil...
I decided to make this crackme focusing my attention to this reflector bug.
The problem is that is still possible to see the source in IL format :-(
but It's more difficult.
17. Jun 2008
PrincessJade, good job and costy, thanks for investigation and sharing. In fact, this idea is not new in the binary protection. I just play in the same manner with other opcodes and.... even IL display mode is in a bad mood : you can read nearly nothing with any display mode. That's really funny ! :)
17. Jun 2008
Excuse me BeatriX can I know what have you exactly done?? I appended 2 extra command with reflexil at the end of the routine. This 2 extra commands where never executed but they give problems for reflector.
How can you disable the IL display mode??
17. Jun 2008
héhé :) Listen costy, maybe you can try to code another crackme and insert these good jokes ;) I tell you in private what it is exactly.
17. Jun 2008
costy, Your giving too much away!

22. Jun 2008
2 good solutions.
You have understood the trick.

BaetriX why is the crackme nothing special??
22. Jun 2008
well I thought it was interesting, else I wouldn't have bothered with a solution! lol

Don't think it was level three though, maybe 2!

All depends how much your interested in the unpacking-deobfuscating side of things!
22. Jun 2008
huhu :) I have rated your crackme as "just ok" because we can solve it in 2 minutes. The trick is funny but not really strong (IL disasm works) and the verification routine is not terrible :)
Rated "just ok" is translated as "nothing special"... I don't think there is nothing special, I never said such a thing ! MACH4 is right : if we write a solution, that means we found some interest in the analysis.
@MACH4 : nice solution :)
22. Jun 2008
ok ...
I understood.
I will try to imporve the next one with your suggestions BeatriX
23. Jun 2008
@BeatriX Thanks mate!
I thought yours was better than mine! Clear and a much smaller file size, nice to see an alternative way also!

@costy Don't get upset, there was nothing wrong with your crackme, I've seen hundreds worse! at least you come up with interesting ones with fresh ideas. If it wasn't for you guys, I'd be sitting here bored having to get on with RL. lol
23. Jun 2008
If you're bored of RL, you've got some issues :P.
23. Jun 2008
haha! Too many interests and too many hobbies!
Nice to sit down at the computer after work and see the latest postings here!

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