downloadbrowseBuKoBG's KeyGenMe #1

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Hi people, I hope you have fun with this one :). PM me if something.

Difficulty: 2 - Needs a little brain (or luck)
Platform: Windows
Language: Assembler

Published: 14. May, 2010
Downloads: 361


Votes: 5
Crackme is nothing special.

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Solution by Envy, published 25. may, 2010; download (12 kb), password: or browse.

Envy has rated this crackme as quite nice.

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Discussion and comments

14. May 2010
easy KeygenMe, but there is a problem,

after the serial checking is this here:

0040121B B8 00000000 MOV EAX,0
00401220 C3 RETN
0040114E C3 RETN
00401345 83F8 01 CMP EAX,1
00401348 75 16 JNZ SHORT KeyGenMe.00401360
0040134A 6A 00 PUSH 0
0040134C 68 84304000 PUSH KeyGenMe.00403084 ; ASCII "Correct"
00401351 68 8C304000 PUSH KeyGenMe.0040308C ; ASCII "Correct serial, good job !"

this cannot work, MOV EAX, 0 and then CMP EAX, 1 ?
the goal EAX = 1 cannot be reached through a correct serial or do i miss something ?

if not this KeygenMe is not possible without patching
14. May 2010
Falo, you are missing something :)
15. May 2010
looks like a good one; no more posted clues, please
15. May 2010
Quite nice one. There's no problem meeting given requirements. All you need is to look a bit closer what crackme is doing. And everything is reversible.
15. May 2010
It was nice and simple keygenme. Short solution submitted.
15. May 2010
I too solution submitted, and and I had fun doing keygen, was excellent you very much thank
My keygen is coded in VB.NET

16. May 2010
Was it solved without bruteforcing the serial until the CRC matches? I can only reverse CRC by using non-ASCII characters.
16. May 2010
Yes. You don't need to bruteforce crc. You can reverse it. Serial will be non-ASCII but who cares if it works.
19. May 2010
What if a '\0' character comes up?
25. May 2010
@Envy: good solution, but I have one question, your function <hash>, you really do not know what that CRC ?
28. May 2010
At the time of the writing I did not, but after reading these comments and a little research, it's quite obvious :P
01. Jun 2010
Nice little keygenme.
Searching for the magic number get to the needed algorithm :) .
Only way I found to get a serial is to bruteforce it (1000 first numbers here but should be enough).

For the one interested, here is my keygen :

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