Bswap's Little Man 1.45
Download, 5 kb (password: Browse contents of Little Man 1.45, (difficulty 1)
Difficulty: 1 - Very easy, for newbies | Send a message to Bswap » View profile of Bswap » |
Solution by arpm, published 07. sep, 2008; download (949 b), password: or browse.
arpm has rated this crackme as nothing special.
Discussion and comments
dakrone 30. Jun 2008 | I'm failing to understand how you could ever generate a usable key without patching the program. Looking at the assembly: CALL LittleMa.004019E9 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[40334B],EDI MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[40334B] MOV EBX,DWORD PTR DS:[403330] MOV DWORD PTR DS:[4032E6],EAX XOR EAX,EAX MOV DWORD PTR DS:[4032EA],EBX PUSHAD ; push all registers PUSH 0DEAD POP EAX PUSH 0BEEF POP EBX PUSH 0AAAAAAF POP ECX BSWAP ECX BSWAP ECX POPAD ; pop all registers OR AL,1 ; if eax == 1, then we can register correctly OR EAX,EAX ; set zero flag if eax is 0 JNZ LittleMa.004015F0 The important instruction: XOR EAX,EAX (skipped, nothing happens to EAX) PUSHAD (skipped) POPAD OR AL,1 OR EAX,EAX JNZ LittleMa.004015F0 ; jmp to registering the program Since the XOR sets EAX to 0, and all registers are then pushed and popped, EAX returns to 0 after the POPAD. Therefore it will always be 1 after the ORing it with 1 and the zero flag will never be set. Is this on the right track? I'm failing to see how it's possible to get EAX to be zero so the flag is set. |
Bswap Author 30. Jun 2008 | Yep, right...... This way the registerflag (eax) will never been set. It's a level 1 so how hard could it be..........;) |
HMX0101 30. Jun 2008 | @dakrone: i'll give you a hint..."timer"... ;) i hope i don't spoil too much :D |
~misunderstood~ 29. Jul 2008 | I don´t understand how this works... I found the important call, I see where in dump the value compared to my input is stored, but how is it generated, and where? I recognized some places where timers are set, but on what do they depend? Could someone please PM me or write a solution for this? Thx |
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